The SRS Advocacy and Community Engagement Team works to strengthen the ability of surgeons to engage in political and social platforms to improve care of surgical patients.
Advocate for patients on a personal level within the doctor-patient relationship
Engage in meaningful dialogue within our institution and between other institutions
Encourage participation in the formulation and evolution of healthcare policies that address access to surgical care
SRS hosts monthly advocacy roundtables to cover timely issues in healthcare in our community, such as gun violence, affordable housing, immigration status, and to offer members of the community an introduction to the issue and a clear way to get involved in advocacy for that issue. These roundtables are facilitated by community organizations or those with personal experience with the issues, and focuses on teaching students and residents their role in the local, state, and national political system and how they can influence policies that can address the barriers their patients face.
Advocacy Newsletter
We produce a monthly advocacy newsletter- this includes events about health equity, social justice, healthcare policy, and local and global surgery events and campaigns. Sign up to receive this monthly newsletter by email, or you can submit events you are sponsoring to be highlighted on the calendar and in the newsletter.
Advocacy Calendar
The advocacy calendar is a listing of events about health equity, social justice, healthcare policy, and local and global surgery events and campaigns. You can subscribe to the calendar or submit events you are sponsoring to be highlighted on the calendar and in the newsletter.